About Us

Our Mission Is Simple

Mammoth Interactive is an innovative platform for students, instructors, businesses and affiliates. Sign up for an amazing student experience. Become an instructor for instant course uploads and insights. License courses with ease to your corporate team. Earn revenue by becoming an affiliate.

Why Choose Mammoth Interactive

transforming and innovating eLearning for all.

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Instant Course Uploads Upload

Your entire curriculum with just one click using our built-in Dropbox integration.

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Instant Quizzes

Generate tests from lectures with our built-in ChatGPT integration.

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Earn Badges

Get rewarded for learning with exciting badges and gamification.

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Become an Affiliate

Earn the highest margin revenue by marketing courses.

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Instructor-Minded Revenue

Get the highest percentage in the industry for publishing your courses.

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New Features

Consistently developed and innovated with exciting new features.

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Custom Exclusive Badges

Bring custom badges to your school or organization.

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Decades of Experience

Designed and perfected by our team in eLearning since 2009.

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